A Poetry Why

I wish at times

I didn’t feel the need

I’m sure some others

Would say, “yes indeed”

Creating poems about

Love and resistance

The inspiration comes

With a little persistence

Time to spread

The love light widely

But also push back

At behaviors unsightly

In the end hopefully

Compassion and love will win out

Diminishing the need

For each side to shout

Collaborative cooperation

Listening to the other

Compromise for solutions

Might just save our Mother

Be inspired, help others

Of every stripe

Diminish the anxiety, the arguments,

The gripes

Coming together

In the name of community

Keeps us from divisiveness

Gives us immunity

Our Only Mother

Wherever they see a can, bottle or bag, the litterer thinks more, putting upon nature, a drag

Where ever they see many, the litterer doesn’t have any –

qualms about spoiling

The beauty the Earth’s been toiling

millennia to bring to fruition

beauty since well before Titian

Let us consider our planet our home

a sacred place shared together, not alone

Honor our Mother, the only one we’ll know

She’s the only one with beautiful places to go




Climate change

Continues to be.


Or so they named thee

Creating great uncertainty.

Attention paid

No, best plans laid,

Open and wrecked, devastated

To placate the monied, the power hungry,

And those related

“Give me your tired, your poor”

So our inept in charge can shut the door

Keeping the disadvantaged

under the spell

Not even realizing

their living hell

Whether it is keeping them together

In neighborhoods, low-lying in bad weather

Or financially oppressed

In a tight chain or tether

We who care must be heard

Be obsessed

Without violence

Voices heard loudly


Above the din of silence


Our Volunteers

We have them out the wazoo

Without them

We couldn’t, do what we do

Hundreds of them

Give us innumerable hours

What do they have?

Extraordinary powers

They walk, talk, deliver,

Provide solace 

They have grace, panache

And yes, even polish

Our organization is, as good as it is

Because our volunteers give such service

What a gift they bring,

To our community

Helping promote goodwill,

Health and unity

So if you haven’t already done – so

Take the time to thank one – go!

Our volunteers, much like the plant variety

Send out new roots,

Enhancing society

So, bringing an end to these lines of poetry

Without each one of YOU

Where would we be?