Mother’s Day 2020

‪In every corner of my life‬
‪My mother,‬
‪Other mothers, my wife‬
‪Mothers shape the soul of‬
‪Our nation‬
‪Mothers forge goodness‬
‪Prompt elation‬
‪Them we could not exist‬
‪With them‬
‪We learn to persist‬
‪They nurture true love‬
‪I give‬
‪Thanks from above‬

Needed: New Clothes

‪Removal of‬
‪It’s the‬

‪#microprompt 1359 shirt‬

Earth Day 2020

Earth Day 2020

Our only Home has given plenty

Sustained all throughout

All Our existence

Is She now about to

Give up Her persistence

We must hope that

Is not the case

If We want to save

Our only place

The will sustain life

As it’s always been known

We must change Our ways

Science has clearly shown

We’d like to believe

That this Coronavirus

Will not deceive

And will not mire Us

But is this broad sweeping pandemic

Really something that’s now endemic

Or, has it really always been

And We’ve been to blind to have seen

Well I’ll answer with

An unequivocal no

As I will choose

Optimism so

As to allow Me

A future tense

I believe We will change

I’m not on the fence

Surely it will take a

Great ability for seeing

What we Humans

Will put into being

Future oriented

To save Our ship

Not let Earth’s life signs

Further slip

To a point where

It’s beyond the curve

Where flattening and flatlined

Will no longer serve

To continue maintaining

A place for Earthlings

That is life sustaining

Thomas Hartigan 22 April, 2020

I Love YOU

I love you
I truly do
I love you and you
and you and you too
I love humanity
I love my place in this world
I love you if you’re a boy or a girl
Or even if not sure, still yet to be unfurled
I love every single person I’ve met
Even those I’ve NOT learned to like just quite yet
I love the malevolent who spread so much hate
Because deep inside them there is something great
I love that person who always disagrees
As there’s always a place we’ll find harmony
I love the jerk who loves flipping me off
For I will care for him if he develops the cough
I love when we’re quarantined, then back together
I love sharing the love during inclement weather
I love you when we should be socially isolating
I love you on the dance floor ridiculously gyrating
I love the lady whether she’s a giver or not
I will still share with her, what she needs that I’ve got
I love the innocent immigrants who are seeking
Our lives that they envision we always have peaking
I love the people who pay no one heed
Regardless of what the other ones need
I love the goodness that so many share
Try loving likewise go ahead on THIS dare:
I triple-dog dare you to love every human
And when you do, see what it’ll do man
I love that your spirits will fly higher than high
I love that new gleam you now have in your eye
I love that you’ll see things with a fresh point of view
From such a simple thing as you loving you
I love that you now love as much as you’re able
By inviting the hungry to eat at your table
I love that you now see things from this new introspection
Imagine the good coming from this new love direction
I love loving love and you now loving it too
I love seeing all the good that Your love can do
I love that there is never enough love all around
For that means there’s that much more love to abound
If love is something to which you’d like to connect
Just jump right on in, it can’t hurt, what the heck
I love knowing that love is ever so pure
I love how it helps with each struggle we endure
I love how love goes from puppy to fully committed
If I am charged, I plead guilty, not acquitted
I love most every being,here on this Earth
We are all Earthlings designated by birth
I love that this is love in our time
I love that this loving is superbly sublime
I love all true love, and deep love I in fact admire
It’s this kind of love toward which we all must aspire
I love that there is never too much love to be giving
For without all our loving we’d have no place for living
For all who love someone that you are not with
Let them know that you love them immediately forthwith

Questions & Answer


‪#microprompt 1340 waste‬

Once Thought Impossible



























‪#THartigan ‬