A Christmas Miracle

You know what? Come to think of it

I’m so very sick of this shit

Which isn’t to say

I’m throwing in the towel

Just on some days

That I want to howl

Here we are Christmastime in 2020

No reason or rhyme virus aplenty

Nation’s pandemic response – anemic at best

Administration’s nonchalance, ischemic, in jest

But what to our wondering eyes did appear

Much to our surprise a vaccine in a year

Scientists use science, that’s using their head

Otherwise known as the scientific method

In record time many went straight to work

To conquer the COVID, a ruinous jerk

But people, Americans, yes our citizens here

On the insistence of our prez, continue to jeer

I won’t wear a mask they say with such aplomb

Childish tantrums, acting so dumb

It’s not your freedoms that rules are averting

It’s not caring for the others, that you are hurting

Together is the only way, we know and confess

To our Gods, to get out of this mess

So in this season of joyous life, lights a twinkle

Be considerate of others, yes, just a sprinkle

Don’t be inhuman, thinking what’s in it for me

Humans being human, that’s humanity

I care for you all, won’t you do the same

Let cross the goal line, in true Jesus’ name

We can win this contest, cheer victoriously

At each of our behest, indeed gloriously

Closing this poem with love and adoration

People, let’s show ‘em, no matter their station

‪Hands are up‬
‪Please don’t shoot‬
‪City slicker‬
‪For none of us‬
‪Is this a hoot‬
‪This is hell‬
‪Or I manage well‬
‪Perspective comes‬
‪From your roots‬
‪A malt beverage‬
‪Or highly leveraged‬
‪You skin color might‬
‪Be why they shoot‬

‪#vss365 ragpicker‬

Inspired by the fact that some are breezing thru this pandemic mostly from a privilege standpoint and others really not at all and more devastated than any other.

‪Hands are up‬
‪Please don’t shoot‬
‪City slicker‬
‪For none of us‬
‪Is this a hoot‬
‪This is hell‬
‪Or I manage well‬
‪Perspective comes‬
‪From your roots‬
‪A malt beverage‬
‪Or highly leveraged‬
‪You skin color might‬
‪Be why they shoot‬

‪#vss365 ragpicker‬

Inspired by the fact that some are breezing thru this pandemic mostly from a privilege standpoint and others really not at all and more devastated than any other.

Not Finished

We had to improvise

From the start

This his Bornday

Twenty-three years apart

From when he first tried to breathe

Never imagined he would leave

Arriving early, twenty-six weeks

Heavy steroids, chubby cheeks

Tubes, wires, translucent skin

Oh what shape we were all in

#vss365 #improvise

F. I. R. (not a tree)

A fir


is a tree,



F. I. R.

is about

who you are

or what you’ve done,


To me, it did occur

that you’re a cur,

and, yes I infer

that you’ll incur

what many prefer;

Mr Mueller

will refer

you for penance

by being sentenced

ending this 2 year blur

#microprompt 985 #fir

The Journey

The sadness

It has sunken in

Settled in me

It won’t stay too long

Only as necessary

To help me go through

The journey

To acceptance

And remembrance


Love remains

In the memories


Pete Townshend wrote,

“When my fist clenches,

crack it open

Before I use it and lose my cool.”

Wise words from long ago

To reflect on what we know

Pull back some of the rage

Consider how we turn the page

On this misogyny and vitriol

Move us forward one and all


Bring peace

Say, Be, Do Something

Silence is being complicit

Thats not a load of heavy bullshit

Keeping quiet does render them

Bolder to commit offenses again

Speaking up helps break the chain

Supporting those who suffer pain

At the hands of those in charge

Who pilfer trust and are living large

We the ninety-nine percent

Need to be those heaven sent

Taking up the cause of justice

If no one else then it is just us

But more and more are coming forth

Showing strength-in-numbers’ worth

Peacefully resist, push back, repel

Humanity needs us to fight like hell

We are one race, this one called human

Boy, girl, woman, you man

This was inspired after reading a piece that Eddie S. Glaude write this week for Time Magazine. It was also inspired by ideas rumbling around in my brain after attending my first NAACP Rutland Vermonter chapter meeting last month. I hope it further stimulates thought and reflection for you.