
My head is full

My head is full

I’ve no more space

There’s nothing more

To put in that place

Yet I must help

reduce its burden

To keep my mind

From too much hurtin’

Working on

How to shrink

The heavy thoughts

That I think

Not to diminish

Their import

But instead

To report

To my body

We’ll come through

For survival

It’s what we do

We meditate

Use yogic poses

Take deep breaths

Smelling roses

We must always

Practice self-care

Be more mindful

Not less aware



‪#vss365 outblowing ‬

Within the sting of grief

Is the firm belief

That love does always win

Time gives relief

To what lies beneath

So we can again begin


#vss365 #sting #vss365a

Earth Day 2019

Earth Day; someday,

Yesterday, tomorrow, and today

To fight for our one and only home

Is the only way

There is no other place

Where we will one day move

Look and see what our dominion has done

We’ve nothing left to prove

Except that we are capable

Humans ready to act

For surely if we don’t we’ll perish


In Honor of MLK Jr’s 90th

#iCommit to peace

#iCommit to love

#iCommit to unity

Guided from above

#iCommit to justice

#iCommit to friendship

#iCommit to hope

I’ll help guide this Earthship

By writing poetry that lifts the spirit

By reaching out to those in need

By engaging those alike and different

Your Prize Comes From Your Belief

You are the winner

When you choose to be

It’s all in how you frame it

In your mind you see

Perspective, reality come from

Seeing with your mind’s eyes

Your beliefs create everything

Knowing is your prize


#microprompt 990 #prize

Think about it, what you believe you’ll see. Not the other way around.