Mother’s Day 2020

‪In every corner of my life‬
‪My mother,‬
‪Other mothers, my wife‬
‪Mothers shape the soul of‬
‪Our nation‬
‪Mothers forge goodness‬
‪Prompt elation‬
‪Them we could not exist‬
‪With them‬
‪We learn to persist‬
‪They nurture true love‬
‪I give‬
‪Thanks from above‬


4 AM

Before this

Part of my world


Solitude envelops me



Stars begin to

Dim from sight

To be hidden

By early morning light

The awakening mind

Moves from surreal to real

Sense of time

Becoming real

Taking me

From sublime



What awaits

Our Only Mother

Wherever they see a can, bottle or bag, the litterer thinks more, putting upon nature, a drag

Where ever they see many, the litterer doesn’t have any –

qualms about spoiling

The beauty the Earth’s been toiling

millennia to bring to fruition

beauty since well before Titian

Let us consider our planet our home

a sacred place shared together, not alone

Honor our Mother, the only one we’ll know

She’s the only one with beautiful places to go

She Has Always Known

She reaches out

Pulls it near.

Hugging gratitude close to her heart.

She moves lightly and with joy,

Dancing with gratitude.

For gratitude is the best partner now.

Life being good for so many reasons.

There has been so much for which;

To dance for,

To hug closely for,

To be grateful for,

Everything in this life has had magnificence to offer.

Bringing her to this magical present.

This is the only way to get here.

Orange Cat for Ellen, Kate, and Crews

Orange cats

Know the facts

The this’s and that’s

About love and chance

And about the dance

Of kinship and secure rest

I’m part of this family

It’s the best

This poem was written this morning after seeing a photo post. A friend from Houston found a bedraggled kitten, waterlogged in the garage during the devastation of Hurricane Harvey. Went to all ends to save the life and……

Another First

Last night was the first night in almost twenty-four years that we slept in our house and no one else would regularly be here for months at a time. This is a weird thing to think about. Walking past both of the other rooms with their doors closed knowing there is no one in them. I have to admit being a bit melancholy and confused. I am also intrigued by the possibilities this creates for us and excited for him.

For sure we’ll all find our ways. Together and by ourselves. Just as I still miss her inquisitive challenges that have helped me grow to the man and father I am. I’ll miss his compassion and empathy shared daily with us. This fine, developing young man, who still kisses his parents goodnight – every night. What a gift they both have been and continue to be.

I’ve long said that life’s greatest teachers are our children. I believe it even more today. Thank you to daughter and to son for what you’ve given us. Joy, fear, trials, tribulations, wonderment, new learning, diverse interests, love, and most importantly, a strong sense of purpose.

Thank you for all that has been, and all that is yet to be discovered. I love you with all my being.