There are but #nine

things I must remember today:

To be kind

To share joy

To show compassion

To be aware

To listen with openness

To have empathy

To consider your point of view

To lend a hand

To give love


Dream of Life

Bad dreams are just that,

bad dreams

In some cases

they can be good.

Like when you can’t remember

any of your dreams,

then any dream is welcome.


without bad dreams

we won’t know good dreams.

It’s hard to

Put your #finger on it.

I want to





Who Are We

Who we are


We are who

We were raised to be


With added learning you see

To become you, to become me

Life lessons

Start with Mom and dad

Then broaden from

Relationships we add

Learning what to keep

What to add


What to throw on the heap

Undoing Tedium

In the face of boredom

Create, you’ll get more done

When struck with idleness

Think of how to do more, not less

Wish to be without ennui

Seek to explore new territory

Suffering with lassitude

Take a meditation interlude

Feeling in a state of languor

Knock to open some new doors

“No More Separation.”

“No more separation.”

Yes some reparation

Can help heal this nation

Improve the station

Of those held back

By the institutional lack

Of freedoms we (read those mostly white, who hide behind it like night)

Hold dear, but that others fear

Policies and laws make clear

Storms are gathering near

Where exponential change

Will no longer be a strange

Concept whereby

We build allies

Who will rise


And grow deep

Abiding love

For the creation


“No more separation.”

This was inspired by a video of a preacher who kept exhorting, “No more separation.” I like that idea.

‪Destination Is In Our Heart‬

Touch hearts

Pierce them if you must

But not with violent projectiles

Instead with sacred trust

Show your vulnerability

Be open to be changed

Not with others’ insistence

But by expanding conscience range

We must learn to love more

Expand our empathy

Recognize how we’re alike

It’s our destiny

Poem 041718

Hard to believe

That what you receive

You must be open to first

Don’t be deceived

Rather, relieved

You’re not living under a curse

Be open to thoughts

Broader than oughts

That widen all your horizons

For what your mind has caught

Is collated and brought

Forward from a wise one

You Dig What To Do?

How do we uplift?

Create the shift?

Not be miffed?

Prevent the rift

From ever- expanding,

Giving short shrift,

Drop this gift,

To get the lift.

Sift with thrift,

Thought your mind.

Give of your time.

Connect to the divine.

Be inclined

To align,

Leave a sign that shines,

And intertwines,

With fellow humans being

Into seeing how to stop the


By freeing

Others’ well-being

April 4, 2018

Fifty years ago tomorrow

The world experienced such sorrow

Tremendous hope was taken away

When Martin Luther King, Jr was slain

Let us forever remember his words and deeds

They inspire us still as seeds

Growing strong roots it seems

So we can live”I have a dream”

Future Opportunity Now

The future holds‬

‪Not for the meek‬

‪But for the bold‬

‪Inbound opportunity‬



‪To reshape compassion‬

‪Across humanity‬

‪Far away from profanity‬



‪And Into amity‬

‪Avoiding the calamities‬

‪Fomented by those sullied by‬

‪Profit and power‬

‪This is your hour‬