Heat That?

Leaning in,
Tilting you head,
What do you hear?
Maybe your heartbeat?
Your quiet breathing?
The whisper of your thoughts?
The expansiveness of the Universe?
These are the sounds of silence,
Be still and know.


vss365 silence


Use you head
At the start.
Better yet,
Use your heart.
Used together
Head and heart
Make you smart.

One without the other
Leaves one little informed.
In tandem they are compliments,
And decisions are transformed.


vss365 head

Enough Already!

Enough already
Time to hold steady
Get a fresh horse
Set a new course
Step off this runaway train
Reset what’s in my brain
Get back on track
Take my thoughts back
Move forward with hope
Pull strugglers up the slope


vss365 already

Mother’s Day 2020

‪In every corner of my life‬
‪My mother,‬
‪Other mothers, my wife‬
‪Mothers shape the soul of‬
‪Our nation‬
‪Mothers forge goodness‬
‪Prompt elation‬
‪Them we could not exist‬
‪With them‬
‪We learn to persist‬
‪They nurture true love‬
‪I give‬
‪Thanks from above‬


‪ ‪ (Hu)‬
‪Integrity -‬

‪#vss365 mannequin ‬

OUR Way Forward

‪I am NOT your‬


‪Actually we are all the same‬

‪What makes US so‬


‪Is only in a name‬

‪Here is how WE come‬


‪Humanity reclaimed‬

‪YOU and I just‬


‪Removing all the shame‬


‪#vss365 adversary‬