A Day of Ignominy

There were:
Those that stood by
Those that showed valor
What occurred:
The seditious tried
Those white with pallor
We incurred:
Traitorous lies
Hidden on Parler
Now inferred:
Many with ties
Does Democracy survive or…


vss365 valor

MAGA: Malignant American Grifters Association


an aberrant condition

set forth by a coalition

of ochlocratic politicians

who hide sins of omission

thankfully not in a position

to destroy our tradition.

Going down this road to perdition

there are racists, by their admission

live-streaming on television,

Proud Boys on a seditious mission

attacking our house, felonious commission

breaking through the partitions

with the president’s permission,

using malice aforethought cognition.

Bringing war munitions

for coordinated ignition

sent by radio transmission

to create Our demolition.

There is no act of contrition

that can forestall their abolition

thereby reducing fevered acquisition

of their fascistic opposition.

Time for our own admonition

in order for our new transition

to bring into fruition

a new American rendition

no longer with inhibition

for a loving disposition.

Will Trump then become an apparition?

Will there be any depositions?

This wouldn’t be an imposition

on US to hold an inquisition

making this our Nation’s mission.

To call this a coup – a recognition

not just a juxtaposition?

It’s time for us to reposition

a Democratic exposition

with all of US for composition

This has been my definition

of a terrorist expedition.

Forced now into remission.

Filed as my submission


A Christmas Miracle

You know what? Come to think of it

I’m so very sick of this shit

Which isn’t to say

I’m throwing in the towel

Just on some days

That I want to howl

Here we are Christmastime in 2020

No reason or rhyme virus aplenty

Nation’s pandemic response – anemic at best

Administration’s nonchalance, ischemic, in jest

But what to our wondering eyes did appear

Much to our surprise a vaccine in a year

Scientists use science, that’s using their head

Otherwise known as the scientific method

In record time many went straight to work

To conquer the COVID, a ruinous jerk

But people, Americans, yes our citizens here

On the insistence of our prez, continue to jeer

I won’t wear a mask they say with such aplomb

Childish tantrums, acting so dumb

It’s not your freedoms that rules are averting

It’s not caring for the others, that you are hurting

Together is the only way, we know and confess

To our Gods, to get out of this mess

So in this season of joyous life, lights a twinkle

Be considerate of others, yes, just a sprinkle

Don’t be inhuman, thinking what’s in it for me

Humans being human, that’s humanity

I care for you all, won’t you do the same

Let cross the goal line, in true Jesus’ name

We can win this contest, cheer victoriously

At each of our behest, indeed gloriously

Closing this poem with love and adoration

People, let’s show ‘em, no matter their station

A Thread Poem

‪Read this thread‬
‪Understand Their dread‬
‪Many have fled‬
‪Mourn Their dead‬
‪And those who’ve bled‬
‪Become unwed‬
‪From racism’s spread‬
‪Become well read‬
‪Hear what They’ve said‬
‪Get right your head‬
‪Let’s move ahead‬
‪Be one who’s spread‬
‪Only One Love led‬
‪All souls soon fed‬


The poem inspired by a twitter thread by ) Uché Blackstock, MD ( @uche_blackstock ) on the long-standing politicization of science, and Medical Apratheid