
One can still be quite sure
Even while they are demure
Though from this we cannot infer
Why someone would demur
We each have a choice
To use whatever voice
Words or actions to make it known
That you stand with firm backbone



Today I learned another new word
I do not know if you’ve heard
That word is this, ulotrichous
And when used it’s truly righteous
Resist the useless, baseless chatter
Remember this, that Black Lives Matter
I’ve been blessed with this hair
But unlike others, I’ve no need despair
Yes because of my color skin
I have no need to go within
Now why you ask can that be true
Because my skin’s not black or blue
While I do not believe this is right
It is because my skin is white
And as this truth still exists
I must help each of you persist
Finally to reach equality
Where all have their dignity


vss365 ulotrichous