A category of artistic composition?
This genre is one of supposition
All artistry is good
If not always understood
Artists, keep sending your submissions



Come Together

If a well-played denouement
Is for sure what you want
Then please help get others together
Please, be my confidant
Do not be nonchalant
For there is incoming inclement weather


Fiction is Real

Fiction is unreal

Made up by the mind
There is truth
Uncovered in what you find
Deep within
The recesses of your thinking
That keep all humanity
From deeply sinking
The power of those thoughts
Coming from somewhere deep
Allow us all
To have a good night’s sleep


Get Out the Way

She exudes confidence
She’s who she wants to be
What we want matters not
For her destiny
Supporting her
As she lights up
Each of her inner desires
Is a way
We can help
Each woman fulfill
All her future desires



Look at that escargot,
It looks still, that’s slow.
Speed is not a trait availed
To a snail leaving a trail.
But not a waste,
A gastropod not moving in haste
Still has good taste.
