
The chief deranger

is a clear and present danger

and a big part

of why it gets stranger

everywhere, every day

in every way

Please, we must insist

on getting back

what we’ve missed

as the list

grows longer and longer

Missing leadership with grace,

where followers place

space in their hearts

and do their parts

helping others start


Isn’t that what you

and I should do

Where we can work to renew

this nation, our citizenry

back into

a world’s who’s who



indecision oblivion

Branch Dividian

all earth citizen.

It’s all a con.

Not just by

the Orange Don.

But his Trumps all.

This is not – a ball,

nor any fun at all,

this constant call

for vitriol.

Against us all

Muslims, blacks,

immigrants one and all.

Unless you’re white y’all

and maybe “Christian” if that’s what you call

all this ribald folderol

behind your wall.

Let’s change

the conversation

for creation

of dialogue,

a prologue

to minimizing this long,

slow slog

and end with an epilogue

of love.

A decision

ending derision.